Saturday, February 17, 2024

Testing a new mount: ZWO AM3

The computerized Go-To astrophotography mount that I have been using since 2018 is the now-discontinued iOptron SmartEQ Pro+.  It has served well and still works fine, but it seemed time to upgrade to something more modern and robust. The new mount is a ZWO AM3 Strain-Wave drive.  This type of mount does not require careful balancing with counterweights, a big advantage over traditional worm-gear driven portable mounts like the SmartEQ.

ZWO AM3 mount carrying an Olympus E-M5iii and Rokinon 135mm f/2 lens.

Yesterday the moon passed by the Pleiades star cluster.  The closest approach happened around noon, so the moon was well past by the time it was dark enough to see the cluster in the early evening sky.

The 1st quarter moon and the Pleiades.  ISO 200, 1/2 s.

7.9-d moon.  ISO 200, 1/640 s.

The Double Cluster in Perseus.  ISO 200, 15 s.

The asteroid (4) Vesta.  ISO 800, 15 s.  2° FOV.

Alignment was easy and the mount pointed where it was supposed to.  The exposures here are short, but the stars all look good.  So far, so good.  A tougher test will have to wait for darker skies.

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