Thursday, March 14, 2024

Some summer Milky Way highlights - Creede, 2022

 The summer Milky Way has an abundance of targets for binoculars and small telescopes.  This is the view from Bristol Head Acres at 9 pm on 28 Aug 2022:

Sony A7 + Rokinon 24mm f/1.4 + softon filter.  ISO 1600, 30 s. sqml = 21.45

The white ellipse in the image below highlights a region of interest for some following pictures.  Near the top of the ellipse are the Eagle Nebula (M16) and the Omega Nebula (M17).  In the middle is the Small Sagittarius Star Cloud (M24).  Near the bottom are the Lagoon Nebula (M8) and the Trifid Nebula (M20).  There are so many other named objects in this region that it would be difficult to point to all of them

The next image was obtained in the late evening of 23 June.  My observing notes record a sky brightness of sqml=21.68, which is very dark.  In the lower right is the Small Sagittarius Star Cloud (M24), the Omega Nebula (M17) is in the middle, and above that is the Eagle Nebula (M16).

E-M5iii + Rokinon 135mm f/2.  ISO 1600, 60 s.

The Eagle Nebula (M16) is in the upper half of this cropped image.  It is an active star forming region that contains a cluster of young stars.  This is the location of the famous Hubble Space Telescope "Pillars of Creation" image.  It is about 7000 ly distant.

The Omega Nebula (M17) in the lower half of this image is about 5000 ly distant.

The Small Sagittarius Star Cloud (M24):

 In the upper right corner of this next image is the star cluster M23.  The Lagoon Nebula (M8) is near the bottom.

E-M5iii + Rokinon 135mm f/2.  ISO 1600, 60 s.

In this cropped image, from bottom to top are: Lagoon Nebula (M8), the Trifid Nebula (M20), and above and to the left of that is the star cluster M21.

The Lagoon Nebula, M8

The Trifid Nebula, M20, and M21


Omega Nebula, M17

M16. 2x upscaled. The white circle is the approximate location of "Pillars of Creation".


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