Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Moon and stars

The coming full moon on Friday is the June "Strawberry Moon".   Storms are in the forecast, so these may be the last clear-sky images for a while.

Moon rising over Snowshoe Mtn.  Tuesday 18 June.  Canon FD 300mm f/4.

 A couple hours later:

11.9-d moon, Tuesday 18 June.  AT80EDT.  ISO 200, 1/800 s.

10.9-d moon.  Monday 17 June.  AT80EDT.  ISO 200, 1/1000 s.

The sky brightness with the moon was sqml=19.98.  This is still dark enough to capture some deep-sky objects.

M57, the "Ring Nebula".  AT80EDT, ISO 1600, 30 s. FOV = 0.5 deg.

The Ring Nebula is a planetary nebula in the constellation Lyra.  This type of nebula forms when a star similar to our sun reaches its end of life and expels its outer layers while transforming into a white dwarf star.  


9.1-d moon.  Saturday15 June.  AT80EDT, ISO 200, 1/500 s.

Even with a waxing moon past first quarter, the sky brightness was sqml=20.08.  This is darker than a moonless night in Santa Fe.

The great Hercules globular cluster M13.  AT80EDT, ISO 1600, 30 s. 1-deg FOV.


8.2-d moon. Friday 14 June.  AT80EDT, ISO 200, 1/400 s.

M4, globular cluster in Scorpius.  1-deg FOV.  AT80EDT, ISO 1600, 30 s.

The sky brightness for this last shot was sqml=20.54 in the direction opposite from the moon.

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